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Universal geometry of two-neutron halos and Borromean Efimov states close to dissociation

Pascal Naidon
SciPost Phys. 15, 123 (2023)


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Unifying constructions of non-invertible symmetries

Lakshya Bhardwaj, Sakura Schäfer-Nameki, Apoorv Tiwari
SciPost Phys. 15, 122 (2023)


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Quantum pure noise-induced transitions: A truly nonclassical limit cycle sensitive to number parity

Andy Chia, Wai-Keong (Dariel) Mok, Changsuk Noh, Leong-Chuan Kwek
SciPost Phys. 15, 121 (2023)

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Maximum entanglement of mixed symmetric states under unitary transformations

Eduardo Serrano-Ensástiga, John Martin
SciPost Phys. 15, 120 (2023)

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Evaluating one-loop string amplitudes

Lorenz Eberhardt, Sebastian Mizera
SciPost Phys. 15, 119 (2023)

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A time-dependent regularization of the Redfield equation

Antonio D'Abbruzzo, Vasco Cavina, Vittorio Giovannetti
SciPost Phys. 15, 117 (2023)

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Quasi-equilibrium polariton condensates in the non-linear regime and beyond

Ned Goodman, Brendan C. Mulkerin, Jesper Levinsen, Meera M. Parish
SciPost Phys. 15, 116 (2023)

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Shallow water memory: Stokes and Darwin drifts

M. M. Sheikh-Jabbari, V. Taghiloo, M. H. Vahidinia
SciPost Phys. 15, 115 (2023)

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Rapidity distribution within the defocusing non-linear Schrödinger equation model

Yasser Bezzaz, Léa Dubois, Isabelle Bouchoule
SciPost Phys. Core 6, 064 (2023)

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Pfaffian invariant identifies magnetic obstructed atomic insulators

Isidora Araya Day, Anastasiia Varentcova, Daniel Varjas, Anton R. Akhmerov
SciPost Phys. 15, 114 (2023)

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First-order photon condensation in magnetic cavities: A two-leg ladder model

Zeno Bacciconi, Gian M. Andolina, Titas Chanda, Giuliano Chiriacò, Marco Schirò, Marcello Dalmonte
SciPost Phys. 15, 113 (2023)



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On weak ergodicity breaking in mean-field spin glasses

Giampaolo Folena, Francesco Zamponi
SciPost Phys. 15, 109


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Attenuating dynamics of strongly interacting fermionic superfluids in SYK solvable models

Tian-Gang Zhou, Pengfei Zhang
SciPost Phys. 15, 108 (2023)

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Unweighting multijet event generation using factorisation-aware neural networks

Timo Janßen, Daniel Maître, Steffen Schumann, Frank Siegert, Henry Truong
SciPost Phys. 15, 107 (2023)

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Holographic quantum scars

Diego Liska, Vladimir Gritsev, Ward Vleeshouwers, Jiří Minář
SciPost Phys. 15, 106 (2023)


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The Asymptotically Safe Standard Model: From quantum gravity to dynamical chiral symmetry breaking

Álvaro Pastor-Gutiérrez, Jan M. Pawlowski, Manuel Reichert
SciPost Phys. 15, 105 (2023)

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