New #openaccess publication #SciPost #Physics Core
Universality of the close packing properties and markers of isotropic-to-tetratic crossover in quasi-one-dimensional superdisk fluid
Sakineh Mizani, Martin Oettel, Péter Gurin, Szabolcs Varga
SciPost Phys. Core 8, 008 (2025)
@physics @unituebingen
The universality here is that all Energy exchanges take place at a boundary, or what I call the “Surface” where Gravitation and Radiation are in balance.
Whether that boundary is physical—like the walls of a nanochannel—or more abstract—like the interface where wavefunctions overlap—Energy fundamentally changes hands at these interfaces. I call these "Surface Interactions."
#Physics #UnifiedTheoryOfEnergy #UTE #TheoreticalPhysics