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Device-independent and semi-device-independent entanglement certification in broadcast Bell scenarios

Emanuel-Cristian Boghiu, Flavien Hirsch, Pei-Sheng Lin, Marco Túlio Quintino, Joseph Bowles
SciPost Phys. Core 6, 028 (2023)


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Codimension-2 defects and higher symmetries in (3+1)D topological phases

Maissam Barkeshli, Yu-An Chen, Sheng-Jie Huang, Ryohei Kobayashi, Nathanan Tantivasadakarn, Guanyu Zhu
SciPost Phys. 14, 065 (2023)

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Controlling superfluid flows using dissipative impurities

Martin Will, Jamir Marino, Herwig Ott, Michael Fleischhauer
SciPost Phys. 14, 064 (2023)

, WeiterbildungundKultur,Rheinland-Pfalz

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Supersymmetric ground states of 3d N=4 SUSY gauge theories and Heisenberg algebras

Andrea E. V. Ferrari
SciPost Phys. 14, 063 (2023)

New publication Core

Replica method for eigenvalues of real Wishart product matrices

Jacob A. Zavatone-Veth, Cengiz Pehlevan
SciPost Phys. Core 6, 026 (2023)

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From ray tracing to waves of topological origin in continuous media

Antoine Venaille, Yohei Onuki, Nicolas Perez, Armand Leclerc
SciPost Phys. 14, 062 (2023)


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Cost of holographic path integrals

Ammanamanchi Ramesh Chandra, Jan de Boer, Mario Flory, Michal P. Heller, Sergio Hörtner, Andrew Rolph
SciPost Phys. 14, 061 (2023)


New publication Core

The resistance of quantum entanglement to temperature in the Kugel-Khomskii model

Valerii E. Valiulin, Andrey V. Mikheyenkov, Nikolay M. Chtchelkatchev, Kliment I. Kugel
SciPost Phys. Core 6, 025 (2023)

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Particle dynamics on torsional galilean spacetimes

José Figueroa-O'Farrill, Can Görmez, Dieter Van den Bleeken
SciPost Phys. 14, 059 (2023)

New publication Codebases

Pychastic: Precise Brownian dynamics using Taylor-Itō integrators in Python
Radost Waszkiewicz, Maciej Bartczak, Kamil Kolasa, Maciej Lisicki
SciPost Phys. Codebases 11 (2023)

Codebase release 0.2 for Pychastic
SciPost Phys. Codebases 11-r0.2 (2023)

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Coherent forward scattering as a robust probe of multifractality in critical disordered media

Maxime Martinez, Gabriel Lemarié, Bertrand Georgeot, Christian Miniatura, Olivier Giraud
SciPost Phys. 14, 057 (2023)


New publication Core

Uhlmann phase of coherent states and the Uhlmann-Berry correspondence

Xin Wang, Xu-Yang Hou, Zheng Zhou, Hao Guo, and Chih-Chun Chien
SciPost Phys. Core 6, 024 (2023)

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Generalized Lindblad master equation for measurement-induced phase transition

Yi-Neng Zhou
SciPost Phys. Core 6, 023 (2023)

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Toward density functional theory on quantum computers?

Bruno Senjean, Saad Yalouz, Matthieu Saubanère
SciPost Phys. 14, 055 (2023)

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A path integral ground state Monte Carlo algorithm for entanglement of lattice bosons

Emanuel Casiano-Diaz, C. M. Herdman, Adrian Del Maestro
SciPost Phys. 14, 054 (2023)

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Structural classification of boron nitride twisted bilayers and ab initio investigation of their stacking-dependent electronic structure

Sylvain Latil, Hakim Amara, Lorenzo Sponza
SciPost Phys. 14, 053 (2023)

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