Leaving my Mac on for 24h :-(. If I don't reboot every couple of days the disk fills up and the computer crashes. Is this just a thing on OS X 15.1?

~ df -H -I /dev/disk3s5
Filesystem Size Used Avail Capacity Mounted on
/dev/disk3s5 494G 184G 292G 39% /System/Volumes/Data

~ df -H -I /dev/disk3s5
Filesystem Size Used Avail Capacity Mounted on
/dev/disk3s5 494G 276G 198G 59% /System/Volumes/Data


@gleet Hi Paul, I dropped Mac years ago but when I used it, my disk was regularly getting clogged up by Spotlight's automatic indexing. It's very dumb (in particular it doesn't check for available space before indexing). If you block that and remove the associated files, it might solve your problem.

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