Never forget, a 13-year study of a dozen cities found that protected bike-lanes led to a drastic decline in fatalities for ALL ROAD USERS. And painted bike-lanes? No safety improvement at all. As for sharrows, it’s safer to NOT have them. Via #StreetsblogUSA, read their article linked below. #bikelanes #bikes #cities #transportation #mobility #sharrows #infrastructure #urbanism

#OnThisDay, 28 Nov 1967, PhD student Jocelyn Bell Burnell discovers the existence of pulsars.

Not included in the 1974 Nobel prize for the discovery, Bell received a £3m prize for her work in 2018. She's using it to set up a foundation to improve diversity in STEM.

#WomenInSTEM #Histodons #ScienceHistory

The new Paris 2021-26 urban biking plan will invest €250 million to, among other things, make 52km of pandemic bike-lanes permanent; add 130km of new bike-lanes; add 130K new bike parking spots; & teach all elementary school students to bike.

#Paris #cities #urbanism #leadership #Hidalgo #bikes #bikelanes #transportation #mobility #urbanplanning #urbanbiking #citybuilding


If you're annoyed about the bad essays in the NY Times and Washington Post about reaching a global population of 8,000,000,000, read this one instead.

"8,000,000,000" - #Climate #Water

Cold and rainy morning in Gainesville, FL. Great to write my dissertation!

Hi! I am Caroline, a PhD candidate in Geography at the University of Florida. I am interested in Climate variability, extreme precipitation, and water sciences

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